Strategy Battle damage numbers

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Strategy Battle damage numbers

Post by KFCrispy »

thanks so emulation, we can test the same enemy attacks against all our available attacks...

the power value seems to correspond to how many hundreds of soldiers you will kill/defeat. if you use Magic vs enemy's Charge, you do double damage. Luc's power is 19, and he took out 3800 vs "Kwanda's Attack". Viki's power is 13, and she took out 2600 vs "Kwanda's Attack".

Kwanda's Attack seems to have the same damage value as McDohl + Gremio + Pahn (26). when they clash, both sides lost 2700. in fact, Kwanda's Attack dealt 2797 to all my charge teams.

however, the math doesn't exactly work out when i used Bow vs "Kwanda's Attack". Cleo + Camille have a power of 18 and they took out 1571 while my side lost 2597, so Kwanda's special Charge dealt normal around dmg to my side while the weaker Bow attack still took out a little less than the "normal damage" amount. Kirkis (bow) has 13 and dealt around 1100 "dmg" while Kwanda's Attack dealt arond 1900.

so the next turn Kwanda uses a normal Charge.
Charge vs Charge, my side dealth "normal" damage while Kwanda dealt 878 vs all my charge teams... so his special attack packs a lot of power comparatively. you seem to deal around 200-300 more than your ATK * 100.
Bow vs Charge, Cleo + Camille dealt around 200-300 less than ATK*100, while Kwanda took out around 2500 from my side! Lorelai (ATK=100) dealt around 1100 but I lost 1900. this seems similar to "Kwanda's Attack", where it dealt more damage depending on how high your own ATK was... i lost 1287 with my weakest Bow team, Sergei + Templeton (ATK=8)
Magic vs Charge, dealt the same as vs Kwanda's Attack

so it seems Kwanda's Attack is just a Charge (led by Kwanda, eh).

Kwanda uses Magic.
Charge vs Magic, i lose 2400 for any charge team
Bow vs Magic, Cleo+Camille (ATK=18) dealt 2405, Kirkis (ATK=13) dealt 1805, Lorelai (ATK=11) dealt 1565, Sergei+Templeton (ATK=8) dealt 1205.. so there is a +400-600 dmg or something.
.. i was not able to get a Magic vs Magic scenario, enemy was choosing Magic after i used up my two available magicians Luc and Viki.

Kwanda uses Bow
Charge vs Bow, deal around 200-300 more
Bow vs Bow, deal around ATK*100
Magic vs Bow, only had Viki to try out.. lost 1345
Strategists (Mathiu only) - boosted Charge values by 50% for that turn. more strategists increase the duration of efect by 1 turn.

Bow teams vs "Milich's Attack" which is Magic
21 -> 2867
18 -> 2507
13 -> 1907
10 -> 1547
8 -> 1307
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