Next New Race!?

A place to post news and also give your ideas about the future of the Suikoden series.
Please justify all speculations with reasons why you think such an event could happen.
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Re: Next New Race!?

Post by GrimJim »

Hey i like some of the races in like people have mentioned because of a cultural background and they were more belevable but not if their going to be daft ones, i dont like that because i cant take them seriously either. Kobolds (dog peoples) im fine with they had them in one and two, and they were pretty cool, also seen kobolds in the anime Record of Lodoss Wars, so yeah that kinda brought them to life abit more, wingers had a decent background.
In 3 lizard people i was fine with, however Duck people i found pretty lame unbelivable and they never wore pants...yeah i just thought Disney when i saw them which isnt something i want in a suikoden.
The Cat people in 4 were more ok you've had dogmen so i guess catmen would be there...but (and im sorry for the cheap pun here) they were all pussies. I have cats and their vicious mean things that enjoy hunting n yeah relaxing....not shopping and gambling but mebe thats a jap thing i donno, i diddnt like their villeges either houses were daft. But again i understand thats some sorta jap lucky cat thing that they have out there.
Beavers were handy in a battle with ships and they played a part in the story but i diddnt like the idea of talking beavers either. Bit meh.
But yeah in the next suikoden id be happy if they had Elves and dwarfs (always welcome in a fantasy theres alot of culture on them) and if its the guy that did the first 2 games writing number 6 then id be happy if he brought kobolds back mebe inclueded a cat wrarrior, some lizards and wingers but erm can keep the ducks and beavers. :P
If you HAVE to add another one....nasty beast men that live in the mountains....just no more cutesywootsy aww look at the talky lil beafor man :P URGH! *Vomits* i went on abit sos bout that.
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