Quotes - History of Falena, incidents before SV (Spoilers)

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Quotes - History of Falena, incidents before SV (Spoilers)

Post by Basel »

These quotes contain information about the history of Falena and the Runes, some incdients that happened before suikoden v and facts about some of the characters. I hope that these quotes will be useful when writting the profiles of the characters in Suikoden V.

I am going to add more quotes as I progress through out the game. Please feel free to post any comments, suggestions, or quotes that you might have.

Lord Rovere
Townsman in Lordlake: Lord Rovere was a good man, a man of peace and conscience.
His wife, and his children, they were all so beautiful and happy together.
And then THIS happens. And THEY take the blame!
These days, we've got so many problems, hardly anyone thinks about Lord Rovere anymore.

Armes Invasion
Soldier in the Sun Palace: Ah, Prince <name>!
Welcome ba--
Arrgh! Ouch!
I-I'm sorry. I was wounded in the fighting eight years ago, and it still gives me trouble sometimes.
As you may remember, Your Highness, it was a very bitter conflict that swiftly took its toll on both sides.
When Queen Falzrahm died, Falena was plunged into chaos. Tension between the factions nearly escalated to civil war.
Seeing Falena on the brink of civil war, the New Armes Kingdom took it as an opportunity to invade!
But Queen Arshtat and Commander Ferid didn't waste any time reuniting the Queendom.
Differences were put aside, and we fought back the Armes forces as a single, united front!
And finally, raging battle after raging battle, we succeded in driving their army out!
And it was all thanks to Queen Arshtat and Commander Ferid's spectacular leadership.
Two shining lights, rushing in to save Falena in its darkest hour -- it's proof of our divine protection of the sun!

Nobel in Sol-Falena: The Queen's Knights fought valiantly to prortect Falena during the Armes invasion eight years ago.
But they paid a heavy price... Most of them died or were too injured to continue their duties after the war.
Only Sir Galleon, Commander Ferid, and Sir Zahhak remained.
That's why most of the Queen's Knights on active duty these days are so young.
Every new member of the Queen's Knights, from Sir Kyle onward, had to win the confidece of Commander Ferid.
He's made sure they're all hardened and ready for battle at a moment's notice, no matter how young they are!

Nobel in Sol-Falena: More than a decade ago, the ill will between the Godwin and Barows factions spilled over into bloody conflict!
Even the Queen and the royal family were dragged into things! There were so many casualties...
The fact that they united under the Queen's name when Armed invaded eight years ago is irony itself!
Now that Armes isn't an immediate threat, the two factions seem set on opening up some old Falenan wounds...

Official in Sol-Falena: The New Armes Kingdom is to the east of Falena.
Much of Lord Barows' territory is in the east of Falena, so they suffered a lot in the invasion eight years ago.
The Godwins' land is in the west, so they were relatively unscathed, you see.
Now the Barows faction is trying to improve relations with Armes, while the Godwins are getting them riled up!
No doubt the Barow faction wants to establish relations with Armes in order to monoploize trade with them.

Maid in the Sun Palace: Lady Sialeeds always appears so bright and cheerful in public, but I can't imagine she's very happy.
She had her right to the throne taken from her, not to mention the marriage...
I know it's all about the throne and avoiding conflic within the royal family, but really! The poor thing!
Prince <name>, you'll be there if Lady Sialeeds needs someone to talk to, right?
You know, she considers you more of a brother than a nephew.

Sialeeds in Stormfist: Don't play dumb with me. Nobody cares about an engagment that was broken off eight years ago.
Our engagment was a political ploy. I knew that. But I was happy with it. With you.
When you sister ascended the throne and broke it off... Were you at all disappointed, or was it only me?

3 Runes of Falena
Cheif RuneKeeper in the Sun Palace: Ah, you mean the Sun Rune, the Dawn Rune and the Twilight Rune!
Well, the Sun Rune is blessed, you see. It brings the Queendom of Falena prosperity.
And the Dawn Rune and the Twilight Rune bring the Queendom protection, or so the legends say.
Unlike mos Runes, these three are each unique, and incredibly powerful.
Especially the Sun Rune. No other Rune anywhere near hear comes close.
Some people even say it's on of the "True Runes." all born together with our world at the dawn of time.
Perhaps we should leave it at that for today.
If we delve too deeply into things like this, we'll end up talking forever!

Rune Keeper in the Sun Palace: Until two years ago, the Sun Rune was kept safely here, on this statue.
See, they always said that nobody should ever bear the Sun Rune on their own body.
It's too powerful for any one person. That kind of power seduces and corrupts... Well, so they say.
That's why our nation kept the Sun Rune sealed here on the statue for all those generations...
And then along came Her Majesty. She broke that tradition to punish Lordlake.
I have to wonder if the Sun Rune's behind all those changes she's gone through lately...
Oh! I'm terribly sorry, Your Highness!
Please, forgive me, and don't tell anybody what I said!

Rune Keeper in the Sun Palace: The East Palace's Dawn Rune, The West Palace's Twilight Rune, and the Sun Palace's Sun Rune...
When these three are together, the Queendom of Falena will prosper in peace, so says the legend.
But the Dawn Rune was lost in the uprising two years ago.
And now Her Majesty is in possession of the Sun Rune.
...That leaves only the Twilight Rune.
Perhaps there is no truth to the legend. Still, I hope this does not portend disaster on the horizon...

Cleric in Lunas: Long, long ago, a beautiful women descended from the heavens to Lunas, together with the Sun Rune.
She went on to become the very first Queen of Falena.
Because she descended here, Lunas is now known as a holy land.
The legend divulges no details about the origins of the first Queen. But that adds to the mystery, don't you think?

Official in Sol-Falena: So it's been since many, many years ago, when Stormfist was the Queendom's capital city.
When the capital moved here instead, the Sacred Games were all that stayed behind.
These days, Stormfist is Godwin territory. Some worry themselves about that.
Still, best not to upset the good Lord Godwin, Mum's the word, and all.

Ferid and Arshtat
Official in Sol-Falena: His Majesty Commander Ferid is one of the greatest contestants in the history of the Sacred Games.
Arshtat insisted that he be allowed to enter, even though his background was a complete mystery.
And he won! Purely on his own merits! Without a gladiator or anyone else fighting for him!
Then, in the Armes incasion eight years ago, he led us from the front lines, wielding a sword like a common soldier!
That sort of gung-ho attitude has made him a hero among the people.
But some members of the nobility certainly don't look upon him with such favor.
If Commander Ferid has a weakness, it's that he doesn't have the backing of the influential and powerful nobility.
The late Lord Rovere seemed to support him, but he's...no longer with us.

Official in Sol-Falena: Her Majesty and Commander Ferid were married immediately after the Games. But Princess Lymsleia is still young.
I doubt she'll marry for several years yet. The Games will be followed only by her engagement, I imagine.

Townswoman in Sol-Falena: Do you know what brought Queen Arshtat and Commander Ferid together, Your Highness?
Apparently, they met while Her Majesty was traveling abroad. She was still a princess then, one course.
And they've been in love ever since.
Commander Ferid didn't have the backing of a faction. But he entered the Sacred Games and completely tool them by storm.
I was just a young girl back then, and just hearing about it made my heart leap!

Sacred Games
Sialeeds: See? Gizel Godwin. Lord Godwin's son.
My ex-fiance wants to marry my niece. This'll be awkward.
But I thought the last Sacred Games were sixteen years ago...?
They were. But those were for Arshtat, not me. She was the one in line for the throne. I didn't get any Games.

Queen Falzrahm and Kauss
Old Townsman in Sol-Falena: But Queen Falzrahm wasn't the best of queens, and her husband, Kauss, had about as much clout as a mouse.
Even so, Queen Arshtat and Lady Sialeeds have both grown up to be fine women. Yup, fine women indeed!
I don't mean to be rude, but it's kind of like a donkey giving birth to a dragon horse!
The greatest gifts your grandparents gave to us were Queen Arshtat and Lady Sialeeds.

Shoon in Stormfist: Before they changed things, a gladiator younger than me had his eyes put out -- just for being too strong!
And even after that, he was still pretty good in the ring. So they sold him off to some foreign country.
They packed him on a ship, in a box, like livestock! None of us know where he is now, if he's even alive...
That's never gonna happen to my friends again!

The House of Aethelbald
Egbert Aethelbald in Stormfist: My name is Egbert Aethelbald, head of the House of Aethelbald. Our family used to be lords of Stormfist.
Stormfist was given to us by her Majesty the Queen when the country's capital was moved to Sol-Falena.
That FILTHY DEVIL Godwin! One cowardly, fiendish DEED after another! He played our House of Aethelbald for fools!
He PILFERED everything we had!
It's true. The House of Godwin stole almost everything the House of Aethelbald had...a hundred years ago.

The conflic over the throne
Cleric in Lunas: *Prince*...? Hmph! Don't make me laugh...
B-But, Isato! They have no right to their titles! The Oracle is the one who should've been queen...!
Isato: Enough!
The Oracle does not wish to be queen. You should know that.
Cleric: Hmph!
If you'll execuse me!
Isato: I'm very sorry about that. Please pardon his lack of courtesy.
Sialeeds: There was a conflict over the throne.
We wanted to keep it a secret from you and Lym. But you're old enough to know the truth now.
Georg, have you heard of the Nether Gate?
Lyon: *gasp*
Georg: Nether what?
Sialeeds: Nether Gate. It means "the entrance to hell".
It's the name of an assassin group, once under the direct control of the Queen.
Georg: Oh yeah. Now that you mention it, I did hear about it once a long time ago.
but I've never seen any sign of the group in Falena, so I figured it was just a nasty rumor.
Sialeeds: It doesn't exist anymore. Arshtat broke the organization up.
Georg: So, before that, it really did exist, then?
Sialeeds: Yes. It was a covert force that did terrible things to support the power of the Falenan royal family.
Sometimes, ther were even asked to turn their weapons on members of the royal family itself.
About twenty years ago...two sisters fought over the Queen's throne.
Each sister was backed by powerful nobels and senators. Civil war seemed inevitable.
And then...both of them started hiring Nether Gate assassins to kill members of the other side...
Senators and nobels were found dead. The husbands of both sisters were assassinated, too.
Finally, the older sister couldn't take it anymore. She surrendered the right of succession to the younger sister.
Once the younger sister legally became queen, the first thing she did... was have Nether Gate kill her sister.
That older sister was Cousin Haswar's mother. The younger sister was Arshtat's and my mother...the previous queen.
Arshtat, Cousin Haswar and I all watched that horrible conflict.
So when the previous Queen suddenly died after only two years on the throne...we make a pact.
Haswar and I abdicated any right of succession, and we both vowed to never get married or have children.
Arshtat then joined with Ferid to break up Nether Gate. We all made a few sacrifices to avoid civil war.
Georg: It's not the bloofies tale of royal succession I've heard.
Isato: So, it wasn't the previous Queen, but actually the previous Queen's older sister who should have taken over.
And, by that line, the following queen would have of course been Lady Haswar, that older sister's daughter...
???: But then, I have absolutely no interest in the throne, so I can't see what all the fuss is about.
Isato: Oracle...
Haswar: I'm glad Arshtat became queen, myself.
Right after the previous queen died, Armes ruthlessly attacked us.
And the only reason we managed to hold out was because Arshtat did such a winderful job as queen.
If I had been the queen, we would all be the subjects of Armed right about now...

Oracle's father Mardas
Cleric in Lunas: The Oracle's father, Mardas, was Lord Godwin's cousin.
I suppose that's where the strong affinity for the Godwin faction comes from among some of the clerics.
The Oracle has no interest in taking sides in any political battle, though. So I suppose we shouldn't, either.
It's a shame we even have to think about taking sides, though...

Raja and Kisara
Sialeeds in Raftfleet: It's hard to tell now, but this old woman was one the Commander of the Royal Navy.
She helped fight off the Armes Army when they invaded eight years ago. She is a national hero.
Oh, yeah. Let me introduce you. This lady is my second-in-command.
And, for some reasons that escape me, she's also the wife of that idiot hiding over there.

Others - Not sure as of where to put these
Arshtat in the Sun Palace: The old legend say the Sun Rune seduces its possessor's soul.
I didn't believe it. I couldn't afford to. But now...
It wasn't to punish Lordlake that I took the Rune up in the first place, after all...
But I did. I lost control, I used it and I was wrong, completely wrong.
Here I am, blessed with such a wonderful husband and children... And what thanks do I give them? I forbid my sister to marry.

Zahhak in the Sun Palace: Some Falenan Queens of old were wed even younger than Princess Lymselia.
Actually, it may have been best to hold the wedding today as well.
Last edited by Basel on Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wraith »

You must have alot of free time....

Nicely done.
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Mad Prince of Highland
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Post by Mad Prince of Highland »

Thanks again Basel for the much needed back information.
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Post by sunstar25 »

I hope Konami makes a spinoff game telling that whole story.
Siel Avadon
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Post by Siel Avadon »

Wait, something isnt right here....How come...is the Prince 8 years old?

Since...Ferid won...and Armes invaded 8 years from game start...how old was the prince by then? 8? 10? 12?

But armes invaded right after Arshtat became queen? But then the Prince must be 8 years in the game...but that dont do.
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Post by Chris_Lightfellow »

The Prince is 16 years old. Arshtat didn't become Queen right after the Sacred Games. There was the fighting over the throne and the 2 years that Falzrahm reigned.
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Post by sunstar25 »

Arshtat didn't become Queen until Frey was seven or eight. Kauss was killed before Falzhram ascended the throne so either Ferid or Olhazeta's husband took the position of Commander of the Queen's Knights.

There is artwork in the Official 108 Stars of Destiny guide of Frey as a newborn. *Unfortunately it is somewhat inappropriate to be displayed online* In the picture were the newborn Freyjadour wrapped in an orange blanket, Arshtat, Ferid (in uniform), and a rather young Sialeeds.

By the looks of it, Ferid was made a regular Queen's Knight under the Commander at that time whom was Olhazeta's husband. He probably took the Commandership when Falzhram ascended and then passed on to Arshtat.
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