
Hypotheses for, and analyses of, the various Suikoden characters.
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Post by Fi »

This is kind of a stupid topic but *shrug*

Is it just me or is she making the transition from being neutral/good to being evil. She seems more...ominous in this most recent installment. Maybe she WILL be the final boss of the last Suiko after all ;-).

And please tell me I'm not the only person who was surprised at the pronounciation of her name?
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Post by koolcblue »

Maybe she will be the final boss, can't hurt to speculate! It would be pretty cool, but I kind of see her as weak now, for an odd reason, with her half of a true rune wouldn't that make Tir, Riou, Geddoe, Chris, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc and Hero4 stronger than her because they have complete runes??

Anyway I was suprised with the pronounciation of a lot of things, like Obel (I thought it was oh-bell when i saw it in writing no oh-bull) Little things like that, and I always thought Leknaat was lek-nat not lek-not, oh well... maybe we'll hear how other names are pronoucened in future Suikoden's, like is it Wendy or Windy???
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Post by Gai_Daigohji »

Yeah I was omg she spoke and her name is said like what..... no thx.

Anyways depending on how you look at it shes always been a "baddie" as Mitsuba says. Just because she aided Tir against Windy and helped Riou against Luca and Harmonia doesn't make her a good guy. She could be simply choosing the lesser of 2 weevils. *Sorry couldn't pass up the Master & Commander joke with Suiko4 being a navel based game* She says shes on the side of balance but it seems to me that shes on the side of the runes. She doesn't really pick sides during the Fire Bringer War, not because of Luc but because she knew she wouldn't need to the runes would not permit Luc to succeed. Remember the runes are alive they can think and have a will of their own 4 runes came together in that conflict to oppose 2 other runes. One of which is thrives on chaos and the other which was bound to Luc forever.

The True Runes govern the very properties of the Suiko world. Life and Death, Punishment and Atonement, The Night, dragons, magic, beasts even the basic elements of nature.

When you get to the Ted event a creature is trying to break out of its role by capturing True Runes. Leknaat says something like "that is not the role you are given, you will do your role" and implies what will happen if it does not. And Soul Eater deals with that.

My point is I don't think she protects the balance of Good and Evil in the world. But the two sides of the great conflict. Mortals VS True Runes. Luc knew what he was doing and people thought he was insane simply because they didn't know the truth. Wanting to break the cycle and free humanity will probably end up being a noble cause for the side of "good" once we are allowed to know more of the true nature of the runes, Leknaat and Suiko world.

Also if you have noticed all the Suikoden games have a serious factor of the world not being in Black and White but Gray. Suikoden 2 and the conflict between Jowy and Riou is the perfect example. Both have valid reasons for doing what they are doing neither is right and neither is wrong. They both see what they are doing as the right way to accomplish peace. Anyways.....

Leknaat ain't no saint nor an angel and my money is on her being as bad or worse than Windy if we could find out the truth. Shes just more subtle in her manuvers.

P.S. : Did they have to cast Wendee Lee as Leknaat. I'm sorry but I don't see Fayefaye as her.
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Post by koolcblue »

Gai_Daigohji wrote:When you get to the Ted event a creature is trying to break out of its role by capturing True Runes. Leknaat says something like "that is not the role you are given, you will do your role" and implies what will happen if it does not. And Soul Eater deals with that.
I didn't get this part, the way it happened it made it seem like Leknaat controlled what the Soul Eater did and how it got rid of the fog ship captain.
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Post by Pollensalta »

I'm in agreement with what's been said, especially with the ghost ship event. It just seems like Leknaat knows everything. Every time there is an event, she is there, and she always knows exactly what is going on. More and more, it seems like she is a "controller" of sorts... I would love for her to be the final boss.
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Post by Jowy Atreides »

I've always thought of various ways for maybe Leknaat and Windy to be the final bosses.

Looks like others agree with me.

Since this is discussion I should probably add some evidence but I don't really have any.

Leknaat. Just always seems to know what's going, especially for someone with just a True Rune Half. Very suspicious I must say.

Windy. Obviously evil. And the whole MIA thing just makes her even more suspicious.

Maybe those two and then Barbarossa. That'd be so sweet. Two super mages and a third guy with no magical powers but super powerful physical attacks. And immune to magic as well. Definitely a lot of variables going into that. Maybe a unite between the Gate Rune Clan sisters too. "Gate Rune Clan ATK." Now that sounds awesome. Then a spell unite between the two halves of the Gate Rune too.

Sorry, it's just always been something I've wanted to post but never had the opportunity to do so.
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Post by Pollensalta »

Maybe not Barbarosa. He was never really "evil", he was just defending his empire. But you never got to fight Windy, which I thought was odd, seeing as she was supposed to be the main villain.

Leknaat and Windy together as final bosses? Awesome idea.
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Post by Rai-Jin »

OMG that would be so gorgeus

i mean it is officially stated on the suikoden 3 citiy if you enterit in you drive that is says "she controles fate"...isnt that kind of official enough and creepy..:S also it says "she could be the ulimate boxx in Suikoden X" (meaning not 10 just a various number).

That would be tight if she and windy merge theyre rune and theyre bodies too :o

but i guess thats just me dreaming
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Post by Fi »

Leknaat says something like "that is not the role you are given, you will do your role" and implies what will happen if it does not. And Soul Eater deals with that.
That's what I was refering to when I said she was being ominous. I was like O_O.

Her absence in 3 was a part of it as well. She just kind of washed her hands of it, very odd if you ask me.
Yeah I was omg she spoke and her name is said like what..... no thx.
Haha that's pretty much what I said. "Thanks but no, I'll continue saying it my way". Same with Jeane. I have a friend named Jeane but always said it Genie so even though I KNEW it was supposed to be said Jean but always thought of it as Genie (and still do). It fits her well either way. Mmm...Jeane...another huge enigma ;-)


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Post by Rocky »

I wouldn't like Leknaat as a final boss o.O Seems to out of place for her, IMO. I don't really see how people can think she's evil... she seems just like an all powerful neutral entity - hence, the 'Executor of Balance' (S4)
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Post by RageRune »

I never really thought of Leknaat of being evil, I always thought she was more neutral than anything. But since she does control fate like everyone is saying here, then she knows all the wars and all the suffering going on in all these countries.

But as a counter to this, IMO maybe she is controling fate or balance or whatever she controls, to keep the world in order. Maybe she's trying to keep something big from happening if the world was'nt in war all the time. Oh well it's just a little theory to counter Leknaat being evil.

Though Windy and Leknaat being the final bosses would be cool as hell.
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Post by Mark »

Leknaat can see the future so.. Hmmmm it would be cool if she became a boss lol She's like the God in Suikoden world lol She can tell someone's faith through the stars.
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Post by Mytch »

Leknaat was given a much more humble role in Suikoden I. It said she was an astrologer, and could predict events based on the skies. And really..just as there seems to be affinities with different runes, and some that have certain unlockable powers to people (such as viki bouncing through time on what appears to bea simple blinking rune), Leknaat could have a very strong affinity with her half of the true rune, and after hundreds of years, you'd think you'd know a few tricks. I find it more suprising that Ted was so naive in Suikoden one after a hundred and fifty years than Leknaat being so sightful.
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crazy talk

Post by Tal »

This is out of the blue, and it may sound far fetch'd but what if Jeane is Leknaat. What if Jeane is the form Leknaat appears to everyone as. What if she just watches events unfold from the sidelines as Jeane, and talks to the heroes as a more majestic, mysterious form, Leknaat.

I am a die-hard Suikoden Fan and I know this is crazy, but the whole series makes you think about a lot.
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Post by KFCrispy »

Ted does not see Leknaat during Suikoden IV. he was unconscious or something..

Leknaat doesn't "control fate" i think she is able to see it (or multiple fates depending on key choices) and wants to push ppl to follow it (or for the multiple idea, she pushes for a decision that results in "balance" or something).

It is pretty interesting how Leknaat has so much knowledge and "control" over the True Runes.
-may have commanded Soul Eater to absorb the "Guide"
-accessed Soul Eater with her own Gate to retrieve Gremio from world of the dead or something
-unlocked Bright Shield's Forgiver Sign

it's pretty obvious she didn't really have control over the True Wind Rune cuz she had to let Luc go and ruin himself. remember "and what if i try to stop you?" *dink* "you can't, not with your half true rune"
maybe she sensed Luc's sense of person or something, foresaw he would eventually learn so much from the True Wind Rune it would drive him to destroy it and screw up the world, so she stole him to try to teach him stuff (maybe how to control the rune well and appreciate it?). she didn't show him love, though, goddamnit, Leknaat, goddamn!! that's what he never felt until it was too late :P

maybe the Gate Clan possessed a lot of these runes, and Hikusaak busted it up to try to get some. maybe both of these ppl/groups were trying to "collect them all"
i think Leknaat's purpose, however, is to ensure that the True Runes that find themselves on weak new owners are not put into the wrong hands.
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